A full color RGB display driver designed to drive a tri-color 8*8 dot matrix.
Type : Module,
Operating voltage: 5V DC
MCU: ATMgema328
Use For : For Arduino
Module Function : Board
Dimension(cm) : 6.6 x 6.0 x 1.2
Net Weight(kg) : 0.022
This is a magic RGB LED dot-matrix driver compatible with Arduino .It pairs the M54564 with a single DM163 constant current driver. By using the DM163, it gains three 8+6-bit channels of hardware PWM control of the LED’s freeing up the MCU from having to implement it in software. This gives the ATmega328 more CPU bandwidth for performing other tasks.It is easy to cascade by IIC and Power interface.
2. Features:
3. Pin Instruction
4. Example
Here is a example for how to using the RGB LED Matrix driver board via I2C and the connection as below:
We use FT232RL connect the board to the computer, wire connection is very simple.
Board FT232RL
Vcc========== 5V DC
Gnd========== Gnd
#includetypedef struct { unsigned char r; unsigned char g; unsigned char b; } ColorRGB; //a color with 3 components: h, s and v typedef struct { unsigned char h; unsigned char s; unsigned char v; } ColorHSV; unsigned char plasma[ColorduinoScreenWidth][ColorduinoScreenHeight]; long paletteShift; //Converts an HSV color to RGB color void HSVtoRGB(void *vRGB, void *vHSV) { float r, g, b, h, s, v; //this function works with floats between 0 and 1 float f, p, q, t; int i; ColorRGB *colorRGB=(ColorRGB *)vRGB; ColorHSV *colorHSV=(ColorHSV *)vHSV; h = (float)(colorHSV->h / 256.0); s = (float)(colorHSV->s / 256.0); v = (float)(colorHSV->v / 256.0); //if saturation is 0, the color is a shade of grey if(s == 0.0) { b = v; g = b; r = g; } //if saturation > 0, more complex calculations are needed else { h *= 6.0; //to bring hue to a number between 0 and 6, better for the calculations i = (int)(floor(h)); //e.g. 2.7 becomes 2 and 3.01 becomes 3 or 4.9999 becomes 4 f = h - i;//the fractional part of h p = (float)(v * (1.0 - s)); q = (float)(v * (1.0 - (s * f))); t = (float)(v * (1.0 - (s * (1.0 - f)))); switch(i) { case 0: r=v; g=t; b=p; break; case 1: r=q; g=v; b=p; break; case 2: r=p; g=v; b=t; break; case 3: r=p; g=q; b=v; break; case 4: r=t; g=p; b=v; break; case 5: r=v; g=p; b=q; break; default: r = g = b = 0; break; } } colorRGB->r = (int)(r * 255.0); colorRGB->g = (int)(g * 255.0); colorRGB->b = (int)(b * 255.0); } float dist(float a, float b, float c, float d) { return sqrt((c-a)*(c-a)+(d-b)*(d-b)); } void plasma_morph() { unsigned char x,y; float value; ColorRGB colorRGB; ColorHSV colorHSV; for(y = 0; y < ColorduinoScreenHeight; y++) for(x = 0; x < ColorduinoScreenWidth; x++) { { value = sin(dist(x + paletteShift, y, 128.0, 128.0) / 8.0) + sin(dist(x, y, 64.0, 64.0) / 8.0) + sin(dist(x, y + paletteShift / 7, 192.0, 64) / 7.0) + sin(dist(x, y, 192.0, 100.0) / 8.0); colorHSV.h=(unsigned char)((value) * 128)&0xff; colorHSV.s=255; colorHSV.v=255; HSVtoRGB(&colorRGB, &colorHSV); Colorduino.SetPixel(x, y, colorRGB.r, colorRGB.g, colorRGB.b); } } paletteShift++; Colorduino.FlipPage(); // swap screen buffers to show it } /******************************************************** Name: ColorFill Function: Fill the frame with a color Parameter:R: the value of RED. Range:RED 0~255 G: the value of GREEN. Range:RED 0~255 B: the value of BLUE. Range:RED 0~255 ********************************************************/ void ColorFill(unsigned char R,unsigned char G,unsigned char B) { PixelRGB *p = Colorduino.GetPixel(0,0); for (unsigned char y=0;y r = R; p->g = G; p->b = B; p++; } } Colorduino.FlipPage(); } void setup() { Colorduino.Init(); // initialize the board // compensate for relative intensity differences in R/G/B brightness // array of 6-bit base values for RGB (0~63) // whiteBalVal[0]=red // whiteBalVal[1]=green // whiteBalVal[2]=blue unsigned char whiteBalVal[3] = {36,63,63}; // for LEDSEE 6x6cm round matrix Colorduino.SetWhiteBal(whiteBalVal); // start with morphing plasma, but allow going to color cycling if desired. paletteShift=128000; unsigned char bcolor; //generate the plasma once for(unsigned char y = 0; y < ColorduinoScreenHeight; y++) for(unsigned char x = 0; x < ColorduinoScreenWidth; x++) { //the plasma buffer is a sum of sines bcolor = (unsigned char) ( 128.0 + (128.0 * sin(x*8.0 / 16.0)) + 128.0 + (128.0 * sin(y*8.0 / 16.0)) ) / 2; plasma[x][y] = bcolor; } // to adjust white balance you can uncomment this line // and comment out the plasma_morph() in loop() // and then experiment with whiteBalVal above // ColorFill(255,255,255); } void loop() { plasma_morph(); } Ich habe ein Problem mit dem ST1149. Ich moechte dieses Board mit der Arduino-IDE programmieren. Das Board habe ich mit einem FT232 an einen PC angeschlossen. Auf dem Board leuchtet eine rote LED. Die Arduino IDE meldet "programmer is not responding"! Was mache ich verkehrt? Der FT232 ist korrekt angeschlossen 5V, GND, RX->TX und TX-RX. Zusaetzlich hätte ich gerne eine Board-Beschreibung ST1149. Best regards.